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JamMeister, are you nearby?
Published on February 4, 2003 By
WinCustomize Talk
I was at your site a few days back and I was wondering if you would consider posting a book I wrote. It's about 1MB in size. I am offering it freely for downloading to our friends at Wincustomize.
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Comments (Page 1)
4 Pages
on Feb 05, 2003
What site? What book? Curious minds want to know!
on Feb 05, 2003
Hi PhOOey
JamMeister33 has a web site where you can for one thing, submit poems.
I didn't see anything about books, but mine has some poems in it.
I wrote a book called Angel's of Dust which tells a true story dealing with the aftermath of a specific "child abduction by a stranger with a gun". What makes this book different is the fact that it is a Spiritual Journey story and the child though never found to this day, was found, and the book tells how and why and where.
on Feb 05, 2003
sounds interesting jake. would you mail the book to me? mailto: cdc_mum@yahoo.com
on Feb 05, 2003
Sounds mysterious.. then chills run down your spine
on Feb 05, 2003
Hi Weaksid...
I nearly shut down - thought everybody was sleeping but me
on Feb 05, 2003
Hello. I just took a couple hour nap. The Whiskey got to me
on Feb 05, 2003
Been meaning to visit your site again, just haven't got around to it yet.
It looked interesting what i saw of it
on Feb 05, 2003
Yea, I'm a little behind on it too. It's been over a month the last time I looked at the counting thing I have on there. I need to add more or start my ass moving on my new design. Which I have most of it on paper. None started on computer
on Feb 05, 2003
So, is your site about gaming, I couldn't tell as I had abruptly shut down that day, but that is the impression I got?
WC placed another wall of mine "2of8"
on Feb 05, 2003
My site is about everything and anything. It's about my interests. Which deals with alot
If you have enough time, check out the messageboard on there. You might learn some stuff about religion.
But once I get my redesign going. I'll have 4parts. Well, 4 main areas then it branches from them.
1) My main site.. Which will be called (Weaksid's Paradox or Weaksid's World). I'm thinking about going back to world because of the parts.
2) Scripture Express - A area I had up for a while then took down, and redesigned it, put it back up, and took it down again. I guess I couldn't make up my mind. That's about religion and scripture.
3) Graphic/Art Area - This is where I'll be posting my bro's and My graphics and art. You can think of it as a portfolio.
4) WAO Squad - It's the group I'm working on for Delta Force Land Warrior game.
on Feb 05, 2003
Christian Belief?
I respect all
Yes I will have to be sure and check it out.
I have been thinking about my own site, but with this machine I made, well what can I say, I am afraid it may conk out on me one day soon. I built it out of used parts from 3 others. The only thing new in it is Ram.
I would sure like to get my hands on any decent workstation though. Push some real pixels for a change.
on Feb 05, 2003
I built mine from scratch also. You can check it out on my site under profile/my computer.
And yes, everybody is basically a Christian on the messageboard. Some don't have a religion which is also respected. We won't discriminate anybody due to their religion. Heck, I'm in between things right now. You could say heaven and hell. But I still know the knowledge
on Feb 05, 2003
The one your using now?
Well, I don't have to tell you that you tread a fine line, but at least your treading.
In my book, you will read how I nearly lost my ability TOO choose, a kind of "little too late", thing. but for some abundant Mercy and a small boy also in the same fix, we made it just in time. A little too close for comfort.
on Feb 05, 2003
A couple months I almost lost it also. I had a choice to live or die. To live I had to loose my colon. What a choice I had. A painful one at that.
But I've delt with black magic to the Bible. I've compaired and studied both. Got to say, there is some weird finds when you start compairing the history and stuff.
But since I'm recovering from what I went through and my friends helping. I'm slowly going back in the right direction.
on Feb 05, 2003
My mother went through the colon thing, then part of her liver, so i kind of know what your saying.
It's funny, Up unto the time I died of accidental carbon monoxide poisoning, I simply believed in GOD, only to discover in the "realm" that that doesn't cut it. One must choose to KNOW Him, so I learned real quick, there was only two choices before me, yes or no.
Then there was the other issue of the child.
Apparently as I discovered, he was being taught a do it yourself religion based on works, and as a result lost his innocence of not knowing God, and found himself totaly exposed and vulnerable at a most gut wrenching period - the abduction.
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